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Virtual Crosswords

Take an end of the week breather with a fun and collaborative virtual crossword puzzle! We'll be tackling a puzzle (or two) together so get those thinking caps on and...

Eat and Greet

Eat and hang with us at Fellini's on Peachtree. Pizza is on us! Feel free to bring some friends - the more the merrier!

Trybal South Summer Camp Weekend

Camp Ramah Darom 70 Darom Lane, Clayton, GA

In the Peach State, the people are as warm as the weather and Southern hospitality greets you at the camp gate. Wineries and gentle peaks line the roads to our...

Gatsby Goodbye Party

Moishe House Buckhead please sign up on google form for address

Our dear resident Rebecca is leaving us :( Please join us for a final hurrah at our Gatsby themed party.